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Friday, 13 January 2012

AIDS and have children, why not?

HIV-positive mother: Reduce the risks to the child

Conceive a child if one has AIDS, is that foolish? No, that is if you let help and guide. Without this support is the risk of transmission of the AIDS virus from mother to child around 20%. Russian roulette is! Fortunately, an infectious disease process finalized that the risk rate to less than 2% bring back (1). The only condition is that there is absolutely no deviation from the procedure.

Antiretroviral therapy for the mother

The transfer of HIV from mother to child to avoid, it is of utmost importance that the mother is under antiretroviral therapy. Why? For viral load, ie the amount of virus in the blood as low as possible. The treatment is fortunately not harm the child, with the exception of three drugs that are more risks (2). If you learn that you are pregnant, consult your infectious disease specialist as soon as possible. He will work with you whether you should stop treatment. Especially not immediately stop, and suddenly your treatment. Your viral load arrow would sky-rocket, and with it the risk of transmitting the AIDS virus to your baby!

Assistance during delivery and not breastfeeding

Considering the numerous contact zones during childbirth, doctors will use forceps to avoid the risk of cuts to reduce the infant and will wash off immediately. If the viral load of the mother is not low enough at the time of childbirth, the team will likely proceed to a caesarean. Breastfeeding is unfortunately excluded because the milk would be carrier of the virus.

Preventive treatment for the baby

From birth, the baby gets an antiretroviral syrup administered, and that during six weeks. It is therefore intended that, in case of infection, the risk of spreading the virus to a minimum. Before age 18 months, can not possibly know for sure whether or not the baby is infected with the virus. The classic screening to that age are "distorted" because the baby carrier of the antibodies from the mother. A quick test for the virus in the blood is sought, can nevertheless from the age of six weeks to give a first indication. The cases where babies are infected are often due to the breach of this procedure. If you have a child, do not wait any longer to talk about: your infectious disease is always ready to advise you.

HIV-positive father: Reduce the risks to the mother

As a father is no risk to the HIV virus to your child to transfer. But you can transmit the virus to your partner if you have unprotected sexual intercourse to conceive a child. Take no risks ill. There are solutions: some services provide medical assistance to reproduction. This help is really down to the "washing" the sperm. This is a means to reduce the risk of transmission of the mother to reduce, but not to be excluded. Therefore, the medical team will also propose to choose a sperm donor or to opt for adoption.
(1) Sturt AS, EK Dokubo, Saint TT. Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) for treating HIV infection in ART-eligible pregnant women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 March 17, (3): CD008440.
(2) Watts DH. Treating HIV During pregnancy: an update on safety issues. Drug Safety. 2006, 29 (6) :467-90.

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