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Friday, 13 January 2012

Education and erectile dysfunction

"Stay away from your penis, that's dirty!" How many guys have not heard in their childhood? Or "Are not you ashamed?" When they were caught doctoring the girl next door. At that moment a child is not ashamed to immerse yourself in the virtues of childhood sexuality, something that is perfectly normal. But because boys always hear that sex is degoutant, they finally embarrassed and even feel guilty about it. As they grow, those feelings cause problems in their sexual life, erectile dysfunction.

Psychological blockage and erectile dysfunction

How can such a psychological blockage erectile dysfunction? What exactly happens in the brains? A man may experience stress in the sexual act, such as the above reasons. That stress causes an overproduction noradrenaline in the brains. When high concentrations of this neurotransmitter release tension of the muscles in the penis. This allows the blood that is necessary for the erection, does not flow to the penis.

How is this type of erectile dysfunction treated?

Sex Therapy can provide a solution to these problems. The goal of treatment is to help the patient to move away from the accusing sex education. The man should therefore understand the grief that his parents had.

Make you free of parental influence

The negative image of sex as a child that the man has inherited, the impact of the difficult relationship the parents had with the body and sex. Parents spend only about their own upbringing, which they then were. Thus, a difficult relationship with sex are passed from one generation to another. Surely the patient or transfer, whether or not he stop. Stop this transfer may start with a critical evaluation of their own sex education.

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