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Friday, 13 January 2012

Renal insufficiency: Tips for an enjoyable dialysis

Many patients sleep during dialysis, or limit themselves to talk to the other patients or nurses. "The hemodialysis is quite an exhausting event," explains Johan De Troyer of the association Kidney patients from ASZ. "Moreover, the limited freedom of movement during treatment," adds Lut Buyle Kidney patients association of Dendermonde it added. What tips are there at that time nonetheless enjoyable to spend?

Reading and watching TV during dialysis

Gino Matthys Friends of Roeselare Kidney patients dialysis period was during his time in reading good kill. Newspapers are popular in kidney patients, course books. Some hospitals even make a real library available. "I also know of patients who bring their laptops to the dialysis," says Gino Matthys. In a number of dialysis centers, patients can even surf the Internet. Telework in the hospital is definitely a possibility. Most hospitals also have a television or a DVD player are, per room or per bed.

Eating and drinking during dialysis?

Eat or drink during dialysis can provide scattering. But the disadvantage is that low blood pressure. The hospitals or evaluate each patient and how much a person can eat or drink.

Pedicure, massage and cycling during treatment

In some hospitals, including the St. Augustinus Hospital in Wilrijk and in the General Municipal Hospital in Aalst, is allowed during dialysis to get a pedicure. In Brugmann in Brussels dialysis patients may even get a massage. In recent years in some dialysis centers, dialysis also cycled in the seats. Mary Mediatrix in AZ (AZMM) in Ghent eg kidney patients and nurses each summer driving their own Tour de France. In AZMM dietitians indeed give educational sessions during dialysis.

Patient Activities

In addition, the patients themselves organize many activities: a visit from Santa Claus, Easter and Christmas gifts, seasonal decorations in the department ... Many groups planning a trip abroad at last year, and organizing dinner parties and such to pay for that trip.

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