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Friday, 13 January 2012

Sound as a source of contact - Our Hearing

We hear all day and night, whether we like it or not. Only hearing, we can partially avoid the sound world around us.

Through our senses, we know that a world exists around us. With our ears we have a permanent connection to this world. A compound that hinders us sometimes terrible and sometimes extremely pleases.
Even noises bother us but we will often feel very strange if these sounds are no longer present. For example, when we are in a so-called silent or anechoic chamber are often assails us an unpleasant feeling: the feeling of contact with the outside world to have lost.
The sounds that the body produces also a function, also known as the internal body perception function is called.

It is to think of their own breathing, the beating of our heart, the sound of our stomach when we are hungry and intestinal gas bubbling. By hearing these noises coming from the body, we know that we exist and we also experience the condition and needs part of our body.
The above described function, body dysmorphic Sound as a source of contact externally oriented and has a guiding and controlling action. For example, a flight of stairs when we heard our footsteps on the stairs by which heard or our feet well and have put down or take it strong enough.
Another example: according to the sound of the ice under our feet, we hear if our bodies do not charge too much. We also hear that the sounds we produce are not easily noticed by others or disruptive to them. By the sounds that we produce through our actions, we hear that our bodies a place in the space around us, and we also hear how strongly we are present.

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