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Friday, 13 January 2012

Alzheimer's disease: the role of the occupational therapist

The role of the occupational therapist

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease. Gradually exacerbate the cognitive problems, such as memory loss and concentration problems. Tasks that previously took place effortlessly, be more difficult to perform. Alzheimer patients are ultimately dependent on their families. The occupational therapist slows down the loss of autonomy by the environment of the patient to adjust. He also automates the daily life of the patient using special techniques. Memory clinic in the department he works together with a neuropsychologist, a nurse, a social worker and a neurologist.

Daily evaluate problems

The occupational therapist is involved in the daily life of the patient: cooking, shopping, relax and administration. Because every patient is different evolves, his problems first assessed using a questionnaire and a sketch. "With a home visit the occupational therapist observes the patient in his environment. He can establish a link between the difficulties of the patient and his cognitive problems, "explains Catherine Olivier, occupational therapist from the memory clinic of the CHU Liège, out. "If the patient can let something burn during cooking, then we try to determine the cause. Maybe he lost the track of time or attention. Cause of the problem than to memory or concentration. "

Tailored Solution

Neuropsychologist with the occupational therapist then develops a solution tailored to fit the patient and his environment. A sheet with an explanation that is put in place, for example, a job and write up a cognitive problem prevention. "When cooking can be a very detailed recipe. There is also the possibility to use a ribbon in order to avoid confusion, "says Olivier. These chips may use a cell phone, hi-fi, computer, etc. to facilitate research work on the Internet.

Reduce effects of Alzheimer's

The aim is that the patient remain independent as long as possible. This facilitates the task of the facilitator, and proposes the placement in an institution as long as possible.
Addition to facilitating the daily life, the occupational therapist to encourage leisure activities: scrapbooking, painting, knitting ... "The less we launch activities, the less we give him sense to do anything. The disease progresses faster in person all the time people in his armchair. Being active is important in the life of an Alzheimer's patient "concludes Olivier.

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