By noise damage
Our ear is like a unique balance that is capable of both the weight of a stamp to weigh, but also that of a large, heavy army tank. Because of this enormous sensitivity is also a very fragile organ.
When our ears regularly exposed to noise, we can be of hearing impairment (hearing impairment). In addition, both the intensity of the noise and the duration of exposure assessment in the noise determines the onset of sensorineural hearing loss. Thus it is possible that after a visit to a rock concert temporarily impair our ear hears, but is still recovering.
Join the ear, however, before it has fully recovered, back to too much noise exposure can cause permanent hearing damage. Hearing damage from noise is barely noticeable when we have such a constant daily noise exposure level of 85 dB, as we know in the industry. Near term there is not much to notice.
But long term it will lead to hearing loss. With a noise damage the hair cells in the cochlea at the time, as it were completely exhausted and broken, and thus irreparably damaged.
Age hearing loss (presbycusis)
Age hearing loss (presbycusis)
Age hearing loss occurs gradually and in most cases invisible, so the person in question himself at first but little notice, and so there is so little talked about. Also show a lot of older people tend to view their "aging ear" to hide. This form of hearing loss is called presbycusis mentioned. Everyone gets here, if he lives long enough, to do with it. Yet it is clear that performance of hearing start to diminish from the 25th year of life. It is possible that age-related hearing is not caused by the increase of the year, but for example by surrounding noise, drug use, impaired blood flow or a combination of such factors.
Meniere's disease
In Meniere's disease, there is not a functioning inner ear, causing symptoms of hearing impairment, dizziness and tinnitus occur. Usually proceeds by Meniere's disease attacks. Such an attack is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and hearing sounds that do not come from the environment, namely tinnitus . An attack may be caused by increased fluid pressure in the cochlea and the vestibular system. The increased pressure on the membranes of the labyrinth may cause the deformation and sometimes even tears.
The symptoms of Meniere's disease, about a century ago, described by French physician Prosper Ménière.
Meniere's disease usually affects one ear first and in about a quarter to half of the cases, eventually the second ear done.
Lack of oxygen
Our inner ear is very sensitive to oxygen deficiency. This is done through the blood that reaches the inner ear along very fine capillaries. These thin channels clog, but the thick wall. Stress, poisoning, narcosis or severe lung disease may cause inadequate blood touches the inner ear.
Sudden deafness (sudden deafness)
Some people hear of the sudden one day to nothing or get a sudden decrease in ear camps. This is called 'sudden deafness' and can be an ear if both occur. There are several possibilities: a malfunctioning auditory nerve, infection or poor circulation of the inner ear including
Affected (defective) nerve function
A hearing loss can be caused by the auditory nerve signals not properly forwarded to the brains. This can occur when a tumor on the auditory nerve is pressed. Sounds that only a short duration are usually observed, but the sounds persist longer be gradually softened.
Mechanical trauma (acoustic trauma)
By a blow on the head or a very loud noise (explosion) can also cause hearing damage. Not only the eardrum and the ossicles can be damaged, but the inner ear. Often this is accompanied by tinnitus.
Damage by ototoxic substances
Ototoxic substances harmful to the body and so can also damage hearing. Some drugs have such a harmful side effect. These include the so-called mycineverbindingen and some resources that are part of chemotherapy.
Quinine and chlorokine, both anti-malarial drugs include damaging to hearing. However, aspirin (salicylates) can be harmful in large quantities for the hearing. The harmful effects of these substances occurs primarily in the high frequencies. In patients receiving ototoxic drugs administered to the hearing then frequently checked. So to see if the hearing loss increases or is progressive. If this proves to be timely medication can be discontinued or modified put.
Partnering with other diseases
It is also possible that hearing was not isolated, but the result of other diseases. Impaired renal function, diabetes and multiple sclerosis can cause hearing impairment. Mumps, measles, rubella, scarlet fever and even the flu can lead to hearing loss.
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