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Friday, 13 January 2012

Tone Audiogram - Our Hearing

An audiogram defines how well a person showing different strength and height can hear. Several beeps offered, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, sometimes high, sometimes low.
An audiogram gives a graphical representation of the absolute threshold of hearing person in a function of frequency.
The lowest intensity barely be heard, taken as a hearing threshold. This threshold is determined at different frequencies (125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz).

In an audiogram does the 0 dB line is the threshold of normal hearing.
The straight (red) line in the figure below shows the audiogram of hearing a good show (air conduction).

Audiogram of a good hearing
The above person has tested so at all tested frequencies (on the horizontal axis and expressed in kHz = kilohertz) 0 dB (vertical axis) hearing loss. This test is performed in a quiet room using an audiometer and headphones, so that each ear can be tested separately. A tonal hearing test is done systematically in the medical school.
The hearing loss is expressed as the number of dB's (decibels) difference compared to the 0 dB line of normal hearing. The result in the figure below tells us that this person is 20 dB hearing loss at 125 Hz (low tone), 10 dB hearing loss at 500 Hz (Mid tone) and 70 dB hearing loss at 4000 Hz (high tone).

audiogram hearing
Audiogram of a person with hearing problems
A loss in the treble leads to no more (good) observation of the (speech) is so important consonants (m, n, b, s, t, etc.). A loss in the bass leads to no more pronounced the vowels. A speaker with a normal speaking volume speaks to an average intensity of about 65 dB. Part of the voice will sound louder, some softer.
The above audiogram is a blue "speech banana" is displayed at which frequencies and with what intensity normal speech occurs. The portion of the speech banana above the red line is for the hearing impaired person is no longer audible. He will most consonants no longer perceive. Because the consonants mainly determine the distinguishing sounds, and therefore for understanding speech, will be with this person following a conversation problematic. This means that this hearing the TV and radio will be a lot harder to turn the conversation or the course of the broadcast to follow.

The curve in an audiogram can take many forms. Typically, the first hearing is in the treble, even when the person in question by low-frequency noise has become hard of hearing. When the hearing gets worse, the line further down shift. The lower line is therefore the worse ear.

air and bone audiogram
The bone conduction threshold (black line) in the right audiogram is normal, while the air conduction threshold (red line) about 30 dB. The difference between these two thresholds, the "air-bone gap mentioned.
The bone conduction threshold shows that the perceptual part of the ear (the inner ear so) normal. The vibration from a vibrator on the skull block is transmitted is immediately transported to the inner ear. For example: the tones are presented through headphones, in their way hampered by the moisture that is located behind the eardrum.
The audiogram is to make the middle ear malfunction. There is talk of a conductive hearing loss .

If the air conduction threshold and support threshold are equal, then we speak of a perceived loss .
Hearing loss?

If there is now a normal hearing and a (very) light, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss? The following classification may include some insight:
  • 0 to 15 dB:
    Normal hearing. No adverse effects are expected
  • 15 to 25 dB:
    Very mild hearing loss. Sometimes difficulty understanding soft speech and some difficulty following a conversation in a rumoeirge environments (bar, reception, meeting, presentation, restaurant).
  • 25 to 40 dB
    Mild hearing loss. Difficulty in understanding someone at a distance (soft voice), the TV must often be a little harder and put in noisy environments should have a nice effort to follow the conversation.
  • 40 to 70 dB
    Moderate hearing loss. Others can only be understood if it is to talk louder and a short distance. The TV must be hard to put others who are in the same compartment, and this noise will experience. Understanding in noisy environments is problematic.
  • 70 to 90 dB
    Severe hearing loss. Someone who is a short distance, to shout to make himself heard. The TV must be hard to put that potential neighbors are affected by this. The doorbell ringer and are no longer noticed when distant sounds. Conversations in noisy environments will be virtually impossible.
  • 90 dB and more
    Profound hearing loss. Only very loud sounds are still visible. A conversation is no longer to follow, since (normal) speech even in silence no longer heard.
The above classification is comprehensive and based on the audiogram. At one and the same audiogram can be found considerable variation in the ability to follow a conversation in the din. To better understand the extent to which someone is able to understand speech is often a speech audiogram examination and in some cases, a test that gives insight how well someone is able to understand speech in background noise.

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