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Friday, 13 January 2012

Sound as a warning and alert - Our Hearing

Sound makes us feel connected with the world around us. This connection can also have negative effects entail as sound as a stressor can serve.
Besides the aforementioned "connection function has also sounds a warning and alarm function.

Man is capable of monitoring the acoustic field around him to limit or constrict. Such sensory constriction can be arbitrarily and held involuntarily.

If you are in a noisy environment can be away from the environment so as to understand the caller.

This "focus" of attention is random. For the hearing will "focus" much more complicated because understanding speech in noisy environments is a major problem for them.
A similar sensory filtering may also involuntarily expire when a specific signal occurs. Example, the ringer, the beeping of the microwave and the buzz of our alarm clock, are signals that their specific characteristics and intensity an alarm function. The response of man to such signals is due to learned patterns. For the hearing impaired is undetectable such signals a problem. One more reason to do anything.

The innate reflex goes well involuntarily. Because some hearing by recruiting more sensitive to loud noises, they quickly scared of loud noises. They also hear soft sounds worse, making them an approaching object or person late and heard just scare them. Many signals have an alarm message is also a warning. A car horns in traffic alerts us to danger, the "new siren" warns us of impending danger, and also tells us that we should go inside and have to close doors and windows. Our alarm clock has an alarm function and tells us otherwise we will have to get up too late.

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